
A May Message from St. Germaine

Sunday, May 22, 2016 – channeled by Diana Luz from St. Germaine

[Note: the conference referred to in this message was presented by Patricia Cota-Robles on Sunday, May15, 2016, in Philadelphia, PA]

The important thing that we want to bring is for you to open consciousness in your minds. From now on, no one can step back. You have to now, with an open consciousness, continue to step forward toward elevation. From Nov. 15th in this center [Being One Center], we started speaking and bringing energy and messages of preparation for 2016. Those who were present with us will remember–how many times we have asked you to prepare yourselves– to elevate your energies. The year 2016 is a very important year energetically, for planet earth and for each and every one of our systems, from now on.

That was the importance of this conference, and we wanted to go more into it this morning–for you to dissipate within you and around you–the fear. Fear is the worst enemy we can have, and the enemy does not exist outside of us, but within. If you have fears, you have to immediately transmute them, decree the purple flame and the protection of the blue flame of Archangel Michael, because the fear in its many manifestations, are open doors to the evil, or bad, or negative, because they lower our defenses–not only our physical defenses, but our energetic defenses. They affect our auric fields and they create cracks. If you sustain and maintain yourself continuously in the divine presence, within each and every one of you– invoke the tube of light protection and envelope within the purple flame, and in your central heart, the Christ triple flame–that is the excellent tool for protection against all psychic attacks, or surroundings of lower energies. For those that do not know the function of the triple flame, a little later on we will start working with this, so you can utilize it daily.

We mentioned two things, now for the third one–the importance of the place where we are located. Nothing is given for nothing, nothing is just luck. We are all connected–from the universe into infinity–there is no beginning or end because we all come from the same source, from the same energies, those that we call negative energies and those that we call positive energies, and because of this, we are all children of the Father, and it is the eternal hope that those who are still in the shadows can repent and come back into the light.

Now the calling for this conference– it was an awakening and a calling toward the importance that exists in these times, these historic and unique times, in the Unites States, and these elections. It does not matter what your decision, you have an obligation as brothers and sisters of light, [within] your free will of course, from now on–to start meditating–start radiating in whatever form and whatever level, with the tools you have. If you do not know how to meditate or how to radiate, everyone at least knows how to radiate thoughts –a pure feeling that emanates from your heart, and a pure thought that emanates from your mind–because remember, everything is intention and everything is sentiment toward those elections. Not choosing! Do not try to choose a specific candidate, but choose that all of them be enveloped in the light, and for the highest good for this nation and for all those who inhabit it, along with all the effects that this will bring to the whole planet. These elections are here, but at the same time, [they will affect] the whole planet, because what is decided here will effect directly or indirectly, positively or negatively, all humanity and it is between the line of energetic balance in the struggle between good and evil.

So every child of God has the responsibility to radiate light, sustain the light, and elevate the consciousness. Don’t be sucked into the political discussions, because this will take away the light, just [focus your] energy for the highest good to be done, and the brothers of the Great White Brotherhood will take charge of everything else.

Even thought things appear to be negative, always remember that the Father never abandons his children… Many times humanity must be shaken with most extreme within themselves, so they can react in a way toward the light. With this, we are not talking about destructive aspects. No. We are speaking of positive aspects, because it will happen–the outcome will be whatever has to occur for the [greatest] awakening of humanity. Now. How? When? Humanity will decide, by [its] own free will. That is a thing that we cannot inflict upon … but based on the decisions of the free will of the masses, Then the higher hierarchies will work to keep the balance…. Always remember, you are not alone. Those infinite beings, and light beings in physical bodies, co-existing with humanity to help elevate in these decisive times–this humanity–and at all levels–they are working towards that. It is a unification of different levels, planes and dimensions, and they all have to understand that they are not alone in the universe and that they are not the only ones within it.

So everything that occurs here on this planet impacts our solar system, galaxy… so all these other brothers…all the others [in the] universe cannot just stand by and watch. They need to help constantly– help us raise our vibrations and energies. They need to do that with us, because they cannot allow the human race or planet earth decides the consequence of the universe. Every 25000 years all the planets align–dimensions, planes align to be able to go to another scale… another vibrational scale and dimension. And because of this, everyone has to continue a path of ascension, understanding and love….This is the only planet that has been held back. That is why this planet has received so much assistance from … to assist us and to help us to elevate, because they must be aligned.

That is what you heard in the explanation that was given last Sunday– of the planets, of the planet. All those who do not accept the light or the growth, according to their level, will continue in the old earth. Some will go back to the Source, but they will not be destroyed, because the Father does not destroy. He always gives the opportunity… and energy cannot be destroyed. They will find themselves in places of the correct vibration. But those that have heard, that have prepared, and that are doing their own internal work and their external work, and are working on elevation, not only for themselves, but for everyone else, in love and service–those will be elevated in accordance to their growth and vibration, and they will be able to make the jump to the 5th dimension. And this means to walk into the New Earth.

So for many this might be a new topic, a scary topic, given that we fear what we do not know, but remember, many times the ascended master, Jesus, said “Know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” The purple flame brings liberty–the green flame of healing brings truth. To find the truth, we must heal–heal our old wounds. You must confront your own fears; you must look at yourself and see yourself reflected in your own mirror, so you can see for yourself–where you are, where you are coming from, and where you are going.

Beloved ones, we are talking to you in a most elevated concept of…. We are speaking to you with our hearts in our hands, because each and everyone one of you [is] very, very, very important. Each and every one of you [is] necessary in that great universal plan, and each of you correspond to specific points that no one can substitute for you. Always remember this…universal net and each one of you is [a] grain of sand that makes it up… and to be able to form this net, it takes each and every one of you to be able to complete it.

Beloved, the universe is love; it corresponds to the universal laws of the Father.  But since we have a just Father and divine Father, he loves us all equally; there are no preferences. All of us–it does not matter what level we are at, we need to earn it. Everything we get is by our own merit. We must receive help. They can indicate the path, but the final decision falls to each and every one of you. No one, absolutely no one, and can do someone else’s work. We can work together, we can help each other, but each individual must do their own part, and that starts within yourself. Going within, and healing your subconscious, so that each of you can shine with your own [place?]. Each of you, beloved ones, has the power that is necessary to do your job. It all just lies on the force of your will power, your determination, and what commitment you have with yourself–to be able to continue forward and accomplish your part.

And this we ask, from the Great Brotherhood, [which] has been made public–radiate to the city of Philadelphia. Philadelphia is a focus of light–of the purple flame of freedom. This light has been darkened, clouded, but it must be reactivated, so it can function and amplify its light with the [city] of Washington D.C., so the consciousness–the political consciousness, can be directed to the fulfillment of the highest good. We must transmute those negative vibrations that have enveloped those cities that have contaminated the political system, the economic system and the ecological system of this nation, and at the same time, of the planet earth.

Beloved ones, it is not for nothing that you live, and it’s not for nothing that you ended up here. This is all because there is work that has to be done and it must be done now. So your first work is with yourself, second is towards your brothers, and enveloping your nuclear family outward–your neighbors, your town, and your state and nation–and successively this will actually connect you and will connect North, South and Central America in one nation, because we are all connected. We have all been connected from our origin and it is time to awaken and unify again, so then these grateful beings of light can shine and unify to that great planetary net to illuminate the whole planet–each government, men, women and children, every element and elemental, and all humans within the planet, and its oceans and the surface and in space.

Beloved one, it is that time and your chose to live within it. You chose to be here for a great purpose and great commitment. You might have it asleep, but it is there, and everything, little by little will start awakening within. Remember, beloved ones, we love you, we need you, and you are very important for this grand plan, so the plan of God can be accomplished in each man, woman and child and through each and every one of us, for all humanity.

Beloved ones, in light and love.

St. Germaine